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ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (ASB) makes, improves, amends and withdraws accounting standards. Many of ASBs specialize in the various fields or sectors of accounting.

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BUSINESS PLAN is a description of a business (normally over a 1-5 year period). A basic business plan includes: product(s) and/or service(s), the market, competitor analysis, the key people involved, financing needs, and the financial rewards if the business plan is implemented successfully. A well-prepared business plan plays two important roles, firstly, it is a useful management tool that can help management plot a course for the company, and secondly, it is a vital sales tool that will impress funding sources, e.g., venture capitalists or the board of directors, with managements planning ability and general competence. Other things being equal, a well prepared business plan will increase a companys chances of obtaining a financial commitment to fund the business.

SCELLINI is a currency of Somalia.

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