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COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE OBLIGATION (CMO) or, since 1986, as a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC). CMOs and REMICs (terms which are often used interchangeably) are similar types of securities which allow cash flows to be directed so that different classes of securities with different maturities and coupons can be created. They may be collateralized by mortgage loans as well as securitized pools of loans.

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COST SPLIT is the breakdown of the costs associated with producing a product, providing a service, ... The makeup is dependent upon what costs are being analyzed, e.g. in manufacturing a company would track the cost split between materials, direct labor, and production overhead.

OPERATIONAL GEARING is the higher the proportion of fixed costs relative to variable operating costs, the higher the operational gearing. This results in greater business risk. A retailer has high fixed costs relative to variable costs, so has a lot of business risk. See GEARING and FINANCIAL GEARING.

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