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GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) is the total dollar value of all final goods and services produced for consumption in society during a particular time period. The GNP does include allowances for depreciation and indirect business taxes such as those on sales and property. Gross national product is the output of labor and property of US nationals regardless of the location of the labor and property. Gross National Product includes income earned by the factors of production (assets and labor) owned by a countrys residents but excludes income produced within the countrys borders by factors of production owned by nonresidents.

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OPERATING EXPOSURE, in foreign exchange, is currency fluctuations combined with price level changes that can alter the amounts and riskiness of a firm's future revenues and costs. It is typified by evaluating real exchange gains or losses. It is prospective and long-term in nature.

GROSS REVENUE is income (at invoice values) received for goods and services over some given period of time. See also GROSS SALES.

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