ACCOUNTING RESEARCH BULLETINS (ARBs) were issued years ago to set generally
accepted accounting principles. Some have not been superseded by pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Those old pronouncements still qualify as generally accepted accounting principles.
LIFTING & OPERATING EXPENSE (LOE), in the oil/energy industry, within any accounting period, it is all cash costs incurred in connection with the running and maintenance of production wells.
TONE AT THE TOP refers to how an organization's leadership creates the tone at the top - an ethical (or unethical) atmosphere in the workplace. Management's tone has a trickle-down effect on employees. If top managers uphold ethics and integrity so will employees. But if upper management appears unconcerned with ethics and focuses solely on the bottom line, employees will be more prone to commit fraud and feel that ethical conduct isn't a priority. In short, employees will follow the examples of their bosses
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