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ACCUMULATED ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT (AAA) under Section 1368(e)(1) of the IRS Code provides that the term 'accumulated adjustment account' (AAA) means an account of the S corporation which is adjusted for the S period in a manner similar to the adjustments under 1367 (except that no adjustment shall be made for income (and related expenses) which is exempt from tax under title 26 and the phrase '(but not below)' shall be disregarded in 1367(b)(2)(A)) and no adjustment shall be made for Federal taxes attributable to any taxable year in which the corporation was a C corporation.

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BREACH OF CONTRACT is the failure to perform provisions of a contract.

DEDICATED TRANSACTIONS, in securities, is a list all the transactions (including cash) for each portfolio together with any relevant fees and notes. And, not only can one monitor profit/loss but you can also chart the historical valuation of a portfolio, monitor the annualized rate of return, compare portfolio performance against indices or sectors and chart the performance of different constituents of a portfolio on a single chart.

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