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ANALYSTS' ESTIMATES is where analysts, stockbrokers and banks give opinions and forecasts (often referred to as estimates) as to future company performance. Broker recommendations and other data are provided by Barra's Global Estimates service. BARRA collate and analyze the brokers' forecasts, and calculate consensus figures from the individual data.

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CP is an acronym with many possible meanings, e.g., Capacity Planning, Central Procurement, Change of Plan (insurance), Claims Procedure (insurance), Commercial Paper, Community Property, Consumer Products, Contingency Plan, Contract Price, Change Proposal, etc.

GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (GAO) is the organization in the U.S. Congress that investigates the performance of the federal government. GAO evaluates the use of public funds and the performance of federal programs, while also providing analytical, investigative and legal services in order to support to Congress in its policy formulation and decision making processes. Most GAO reports are initiated at the request of Congress, while some are initiated by the agency itself or are required by law.

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