APB 29 (Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 29) Accounting for Non-monetary Transactions states that an exchange of non-monetary assets should be recorded at fair value. Certain modifications to that basic principle are contained in paragraphs 20-23 of APB No. 29. Paragraph 21(b) provides that accounting for an exchange of productive assets for similar productive assets should be based on the recorded amount of the non-monetary assets relinquished. However, Paragraph 4 of APB No. 29 states that Opinion is not applicable to business combinations.
UNFAVORABLE VARIANCE is the opposite of favorable variance. See FAVORABLE VARIANCE.
PRIMARY DATA is data that has not been previously published, i.e. the data is derived from a new or orgiinal research study and collected at the source, e.g., in marketing, it is information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation.
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