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CORPORATE BOND is evidence of debt owed by a corpora­tion, issued for the purpose of borrowing money, and promising to return the face value of borrowed money at maturity. Corporate bonds usually pay interest at regular intervals twice each year.

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IMPOSTA VALORE AGGIUNTO TAX (IVA TAX), in Italy, like most other European countries, Italy imposes a value added tax (VAT) on most goods and services purchased in the country. In Italy, the value added tax is known as the Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto or IVA. This tax is normally included or built into the price of most goods and services. The general rate of tax is 19% of the sale price.

OPPORTUNISTIC BEHAVIOUR occurs where one party takes advantage of his superior knowledge, in order to further his/her interests, by failing to disclose such information to the other party. This would occur, for example, if a supplier of widgets had information about a product which was deliberately withheld from the potential buyer, in the knowledge that such information would negatively affect the price of the product or the willingness of the buyer to purchase it.

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