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FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS is: a. an easy and valuable way to interpret and understand the numbers found in your financial statements. Understanding the relationships between the numbers can help you answer critical questions about your business -- and if you monitor the ratios on a regular basis youll gain insight into how effectively you are managing your business. And: b. lenders also like to evaluate risk by using several sets of ratios; ratios of assets to liabilities, and ratios of lender-investor dollars to owner-investor dollars. Recognize that ratios are indicators and that only you can tell the full story about your business. So the more adept you are at explaining your financial ratios to your investor/lender, the better she/he will understand your business as he/she makes a investment/credit decision.

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BALLOON PAYMENT is a final loan payment that is considerably higher than prior regular payments, in order to pay off the loan.

BARBELL is a bond management strategy where maturities are clustered at extremes of the yield curve. For example, the price performance of one-year and 30-year bonds, in combination, may exceed that of a l0-year, even though the average maturity of the two strategies may be equal.

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