GOING SHORT is the selling of commodities, bonds, or stock before actually buying it. This happens when a dealer or investor believes the price of the item (on the date of its delivery to the buyer) will be lower than its current price. He or she expects to make a profit by buying the item on or just before its delivery date. See GOING LONG.
INVENTORY VALUATION is the process of assigning a financial value to on-hand inventory, based on standard cost, first-in, first-out (FIFO), last-in, first-out (LIFO), average list price or other method. The method used is determined by a requirement to meet legal or other standards specified by a third party, or by an operational measure found to be useful in analyzing inventory positions.
DIRECTORS REPORT is written by the Directors of a company and forms part of the companys financial statements. This report must support and elaborate on the information contained in the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Source and Application of Funds Statement.
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