GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (GNMA) is a corporation owned by the U.S. Government within the Department of Housing and Urban Development with the authority to fully guarantee the timely payment of principal and interest on securities collateralized by FHA-insured or VA-guaranteed mortgages. GNMA is commonly called "Ginnie Mae:' GNMA I securities are single-issuer pools. GNMA II securities are collateralized by multiple-issuer pools or custom pools (one issuer but different interest rates that may vary within one percentage point). Multiple-issuer pools are known as "Jumbos:' Standard GNMAs have a stated maturity of 30 years.
AUTHORIZE / AUTHORIZATION is to give permission for. For example, a manager authorizes a transaction by signing a voucher authorizing the disbursement.
CREDIT MEMO is a document used to issue a vendor credit.
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