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LIMIT ORDER DISPLAY RULE is an SEC Order Handling Rule requiring a Market Maker that receives a customer limit order priced at or better than its current quote and that does not immediately execute the order, to display the order to the entire marketplace. Alternatively, the Market Maker can choose to send the order to another Market Maker or ECN for display. There is no limit order display rule on the OTCBB.

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COVERAGE OF FIXED CHARGES is computed by taking your net income, before taxes and fixed charges (debt repayment, long-term leases, preferred stock dividends etc.), and dividing by the amount of fixed charges. The resulting number shows your ability to meet your fixed obligations of all types i.e. the higher the number, the better.

ACCOUNT AGING usually refers to the methods of tracking past due accounts in accounts receivable based on the dates the charges were incurred. Account aging can also be used in accounts payable, to a lesser degree, to monitor payment history to suppliers. See also AGING OF ACCOUNTS.

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