MD&A Definition

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MD&A is an acronym for Management Discussion and Analysis. MD&A usually refers to that section of a corporate annual or quarterly report that provides managerial comment on corporate performance for the time period in question.

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STABLE UNIT OF MEASURE, in accounting, assumes that money is used as the basic measuring unit for financial reporting. Money is the common denominator in which accounting measurements are made and summarized. The dollar, or any other monetary unit, represents a unit of value; that is, it reflects an ability to command goods and services. Implicit in the use of money as a measuring unit is the assumption that the dollar is a stable unit of value, just as the kilometer is a stable unit of distance and the hectare is a stable unit of area.

MONEY MARKET FUND is a fund that invests in various short-term debt instruments, i.e., commercial paper, negotiable certificates of deposit, bankers acceptances, Treasury bills, etc. Shares seek to maintain a net asset value of $1 but the interest rate changes daily.

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