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NET OPERATING LOSS (NOL) is experienced by a business when business deductions exceed business income for the fiscal year. For income tax purposes, a net operating loss can be used to offset income in a prior year, or a taxpayer can elect to forego the carry back and carry the net operating loss forward.

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MONEY SUPPLY is the three categories of money supply (MI, M2, M3) as defined by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board.

M1 The sum of-currency held by the public, plus travelers' checks, plus demand deposits, plus other checkable deposits-i.e., negotiable order of with­drawal (NOW) accounts, automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts and credit union share drafts.

M2 MI plus savings accounts and small-denomina­tion time deposits, plus shares in money market mutual funds (other than those restricted to institu­tional investors) and overnight Eurodollars and repurchase agreements.

M3 M2 plus large-denomination time deposits (over $100,000) at all depository institutions, large­-denomination term repurchase agreements and shares in money market mutual funds restricted to institutional investors.

CASH DEFICIT, in accounting, is a shortage of available funds to satisfy current obligations.

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