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NOT-FOR-PROFIT ACCOUNTING is the adherence to NFP ACCOUNTING STANDARDS. These standards are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) or the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Additionally, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) influences the accounting for nonprofit organizations with its industry and accounting guides and Statements of Position (SOPs).

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DESIGNATED is something selected or named for a duty, e.g., designated receipts.

GIFTS-IN-KIND are non-cash gifts of tangible or intangible property. Tangible property can fall into two distinct categories, and its value is derived from its physical existence: 1. objects, such as equipment, software, automobiles, printed materials, etc.; or, 2. services, such as providing photography services. Intangible personal property is property whose value stems from intangible elements, e.g. patents and copyrights.

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