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ONE-SIDED MARKET (ONE-WAY MARKET), in securities, is a market environment in which only a bid or an offer is shown, as opposed to making a market, where both a bid and an offer are shown.

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BILL is a : to enter in an accounting system : prepare a bill of (charges) b : to submit a bill of charges to c : to enter (as freight) in a waybill d : to issue a bill of lading to or for; e.g., "billable expenses" are those expenses for which reimbursement invoices are issued.

CAPITATION, generally, is a tax or payment levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person. In medical insurance, it is a method of paying for healthcare services on the basis of the number of patients who are covered for specific services over a specified period of time rather than the cost or number of services that are actually provided.

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