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OPTIONALITY TEST is part of the NAIC security insurer provisional exemption rules: A. Optionality Test: for corporate and municipal issues, principal and interest must be paid in US dollars, contract terms state that principal is repayable in full and the principal repayment schedule is fixed. Further the principal is set at closing, fixed in US dollars and coupon payments cannot be less than zero in any period. B. Optionality Test: for Asset-Backed/Residential Mortgage-Backed securities, the principal and interest must be paid in US dollars, and the coupon payment cannot be less than zero in any payment period. In addition, with the exception for credit enhancements, the timing and amount of cash flows to pay the obligation must depend on the timing and amount of cash flow from the assets underlying the bond. If the bond is prepaid immediately, the insurer must receive at least 98% of the purchase price.

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DIVESTITURE is the sale by a company of a product line, a subsidiary or a division.

CONVENTION is an agreement, principle or statement expressed or implied that is used to solve given types of problems. Conventions allow a standardized approach to problem solving and behavior in certain situations. For example, placing debits on the right and credits on the left of an account is termed an accounting convention.

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