PAR VALUE Definition

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PAR VALUE is a. the maturity value or face value, i.e., the amount that an issuer agrees to pay at the maturity date; b. the official exchange rate between two countries currencies; or, c. the value of a security that is set by the company issuing it; unrelated to market value.

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ADD-INS is: a. something designed or intended for use in conjunction with another, e.g. accessories to a primary product in a purchase order; or, b. an accessory software program that extends the capabilities of an existing application.

COVERAGE OF FIXED CHARGES is computed by taking your net income, before taxes and fixed charges (debt repayment, long-term leases, preferred stock dividends etc.), and dividing by the amount of fixed charges. The resulting number shows your ability to meet your fixed obligations of all types i.e. the higher the number, the better.

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