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SALES MULTIPLE is the most widely used valuation benchmark used in the valuation of a business. The information needed are annual sales and an industry multiplier, which is usually a range of .25 to 1 or higher. The industry multiplier can be found in various financial publications, as well as analyzing sales of comparable businesses. This method is easy to understand and use. The sales multiple is often used as the valuation benchmark.

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NET CASH FLOW equals cash receipts minus cash payments over a given period of time; or equivalently, net profit plus amounts charged off for depreciation, depletion, and amortization. Also called cash flow. Net cash flow is a measure of a companys financial health. When the term is used, it should be supplemented by a qualifier (for example, "Equity" or "Invested Capital") and a definition of exactly what it means in the given valuation context.

FASTBAC is First Automotive Short-Term Bonds and Certificates; asset-backed securities supported by automo­tive loan contracts.

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