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UPSTREAM / DOWNSTREAM SALES is normally associated with inter-company sales: Upstream is a subsidiary selling into the parent entity; while downstream is the parent selling into a subsidiary.

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GOVERNMENT PROVISION OF DEPOSIT INSURANCE affects banks' demands for deposits and households' (and others') supply of deposits to banks. The banking industry models deposit insurance premiums that banks pay as a fixed share of deposits. As is the case for many government subsidies, the government subsidies attributable to the under-pricing of deposit insurance are likely to be shared with depositors (and bank customers more generally) because that subsidy lowers the cost of providing that insurance. In response to the subsidy, banks raise the deposit interest rates that they pay. In doing so, banks transfer some of the government subsidy to depositors.

INDUCTIVE ACCOUNTING THEORY (scientific method) assumes accounting standards are somewhat like evolution of a species in nature --- survival of the fittest. It relies heavily upon controlled experimentation (e.g., behavioral accounting research) and statistical testing (e.g., capital markets "events" studies of the impact of accounting information on market prices and volume of transactions).

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