Ratio Analysis Report
Public Company Financial Analysis vs. Industry Ratios
The use of financial statement anaysis is a time tested method of analyzing a business. Bank loan officers, Wall Street investment firms, CFOs and successful business owners all use financial analysis to learn more about a company’s current financial health as well as its potential.
The two most used and effective financial analysis methods employed are ratio analysis and common size financial statements. This report provides:
5-year comparative ratio analysis of company to its industry (28 ratios)
Predictor metrics: Altman Z-Score on bankruptcy and growth rate analysis
5-year company common size financial statement with latest quarter and same quarter of the last year filed
5-year SEC filed financial statements with last quater filed vs. same quarter of the prior period
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Amplify Energy Corp., www.amplifyenergy.com, SIC Code: 1311, CRUDE PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS
This online report is prepared by VentureLine
View Common Size Report for Amplify Energy Corp.
View Financial Statements Report for Amplify Energy Corp.
N/A: Data unavailable in order to calculate ratio
Z: Data equals zero in ratio denominator