Ratio Analysis Report
Public Company Financial Analysis vs. Industry Ratios
The use of financial statement anaysis is a time tested method of analyzing a business. Bank loan officers, Wall Street investment firms, CFOs and successful business owners all use financial analysis to learn more about a company’s current financial health as well as its potential.
The two most used and effective financial analysis methods employed are ratio analysis and common size financial statements. This report provides:
5-year comparative ratio analysis of company to its industry (28 ratios)
Predictor metrics: Altman Z-Score on bankruptcy and growth rate analysis
5-year company common size financial statement with latest quarter and same quarter of the last year filed
5-year SEC filed financial statements with last quater filed vs. same quarter of the prior period
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Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited, www.aosmd.com, SIC Code: 3674, SEMICONDUCTORS AND RELATED DEVICES
This online report is prepared by VentureLine
View Common Size Report for Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited
View Financial Statements Report for Alpha and Omega Semiconductor Limited
N/A: Data unavailable in order to calculate ratio
Z: Data equals zero in ratio denominator