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Results 1 through 50 of 98


Ticker Exchange Company Financial Reports SIC #
AEE New York Ameren Corp 4911
AEP Nasdaq American Electric Power Compan 4911
AES New York AES Corp 4911
AGR New York Avangrid Inc 4911
AILLP Over the counter Ameren Illinois Co 4911
ALCE Nasdaq Alternus Clean Energy Inc 4911
ALE New York ALLETE Inc 4911
AMPS New York Altus Power Inc 4911
AQN American Algonquin Power & Utilities Co 4911
ASRE Over the counter Astra Energy Inc 4911
AVA New York Avista Corp 4911
AY Nasdaq Atlantica Sustainable Infrastr 4911
BEPC New York Brookfield Renewable Corp 4911
BKH New York Black Hills Corp 4911
BLNK Nasdaq Blink Charging Co 4911
CEG Nasdaq Constellation Energy Corp 4911
CEPU New York Central Puerto SA - ADR 4911
CHJI Over the counter China Cxsh Renewable Energy In 4911
CIG New York Energy of Minas Gerais Co - AD 4911
CLPHY Over the counter CLP Holdings Limited (ADR) 4911
CMS New York CMS Energy Corporation 4911
CNLPL Over the counter Connecticut Light and Power Co 4911
CWEN.A New York Clearway Energy Inc 4911
D New York Dominion Energy Inc 4911
DTE New York DTE Energy Co 4911
DUK New York Duke Energy Corp 4911
EBR New York Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras 4911
ED New York Consolidated Edison, Inc. 4911
EDN New York Empresa Distribuidora y Cmrz N 4911
EIX New York Edison International 4911
ELIQQ Over the counter Electriq Power Holdings Inc 4911
ELLO American Ellomay Capital Ltd 4911
ELP New York Companhia Paranaense de Energi 4911
ENIC New York Enel Chile SA - ADR 4911
ENO New York Entergy New Orleans LLC 4911
EONGY Over the counter E ON SE (ADR) 4911
ES New York Eversource Energy 4911
ETR New York Entergy Corp 4911
EUSP Over the counter EuroSite Power Inc 4911
EVRG Nasdaq Evergy Inc 4911
EXC Nasdaq Exelon Corp 4911
FE New York FirstEnergy Corp 4911
FTS American Fortis Inc 4911
GEV New York GE Vernova Inc 4911
GNE New York Genie Energy Ltd 4911
HAWEL Over the counter Hawaiian Electric Company Inc 4911
HE New York Hawaiian Electric Industries, 4911
HGKGY Over the counter Power Assets Holdings Ltd - AD 4911
HLGN Over the counter Heliogen Inc 4911
IDA New York IDACORP Inc 4911
Results 0 through 50 of 98