Whether you are an analyst, business person or accounting student, audit the records of a corporation, a business manager, or balance your own checkbook, you will find the VentureLine accounting dictionary of accounting terms of immeasurable assistance. Whatever your circumstance, this VentureLine accounting glossary provides the definitions and examples you need for you to know about all aspects of financial record keeping and reporting.
The concept behind the VentureLine MBA Accounting Glossary is totally new. All accounting terms and their associated definitions were requested by you the VentureLine user. Whenever requests via email for additional definitions are received, our staff researches and provides answers via e-mail to the requesting user. Those accounting terms are then also added to the VentureLine Accounting Dictionary. So, the architecture and terms contained herein were developed by you our users. The result is an accounting dictionary or glossary that is relevant to today’s environment. It also mandates that the VentureLine Accounting Glossary be a living document in that the accounting terms are updated whenever new accounting terms are requested..
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